Dutch Mendenhall’s opinions and expressed views are his own.
The material contained in this presentation is confidential and furnished solely for the purpose of considering an investment in RADD Foothills SPV, LLC (the “Company”) sponsored by RAD Diversified Land REIT, Inc. (the “Manager”) and is not to be used for any other purpose or made available to any other person without the express written consent of the Manager. The material is based in part on information supplied by the Manager’s management and in part upon information obtained from sources deemed to be reliable, however, neither the Manager nor its affiliates shall be deemed to have made any express or implied representations or warranties regarding this material whatsoever, including, without limitation, with regard to accuracy and completeness.
While the management believes the assumptions and forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are reasonable, the Company cannot promise future results, performance, or achievements. Anticipated returns, expense estimates, and investor distributions discussed in this business plan are based on the management’s assumptions and beliefs and are not reflective of past operations of this Company or the Manager's affiliates. Summaries contained herein of any documents are unintended to be comprehensive statements of the terms of such documents, but rather only outlines of some of the principal provisions contained therein. Prospective investors should make their own investigations, projections, and conclusions without reliance upon the material contained herein with regard to future investments sponsored by the Manager.
The Manager expressly maintains the right, at its sole discretion, to reject any or all expressions of interest or offers to invest in the Company or any project and/or terminate with any entity at any time with or without notice. The material herein is contingent upon change.
Investments may only be made as offered in the Confidential Private Placement Memorandum and Subscription Agreement relating to the operations and investments generally described herein, and prospective investors should thoroughly review these materials before investing. This information is unintended to be legal, tax, business or financial recommendation. Please consult with your applicable professional for such advice. For more information, contact a representative to learn more at info@raddcompanies.com, or visit https://raddcompanies.com/disclosures/.